2016/08 August ORCHIDS Magazine
For the native orchid enthusiast, Nile Dusdieker tells us the ins and outs of becoming an orchid snooper. Native orchids of one genus or another are found in every state and looking for them can be a rewarding pastime- not to mention downright good exercise in the spring and summer months. Tom Kuligowski shares with us his successes creating attractive mounted specimens using non-traditional mounts. You won't look at that piece of gnarled driftwood or old salvaged barn board the same again. Last, but by no means least, Robert Butt shares with us his heart-wrenching but entertaining story about how orchids changed his life.
Also in this issue
- Collector’s Item – Aerangis (Microterangis) hariotiana
- Genus of The Month – Sigmatostalix (those little oncidiums)
- Orchid Myths – Urea
- Orchids Illustrated – Pleione
- Prosthechea cochleata ‘Perfect Balance’, FCC/AOS – cochleata like no other
- The New Refugium Botanicum – Dracula inexperata