2017/01 January ORCHIDS Magazine

Estaban (Steve) Gonzalez-Costa discusses the various color forms of three of the smaller Brazilian bifoliate cattleyas, Cattleya forbesii, Cattleya intermedia, and Cattleya loddigesii, and their culture in a major feature article. Stig Dalström takes us on an armchair adventure to find Cattleya sincorana in the wilds of Brazil and David Rosenfeld, MD reports on the orchids of Iceland (yes, Iceland).

The January issue also features a Collectors Item installment by our friend in Australia, Phil Spence, on the group of dendrobiums that comprise the diplocaulobiums and grastidiums. Sue Bottom shares sage words of advice for all of us (after all, we're all novices in some way or another) and Daniel Duda shares a nifty alternative to traditional pots.

Also in this issue

  • Genus of the Month - Laelia
  • Orchids Illustrated - Sobralia
  • New Refugium Botanicum - Trichogottis philippinensis
  • Lindleyana - A New Species of Andinia From Ecuador
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2017/01 January ORCHIDS Magazine

Regular Price: $9.99 /Member Price: $4.99

Estaban (Steve) Gonzalez-Costa discusses the various color forms of three of the smaller Brazilian bifoliate cattleyas, Cattleya forbesii, Cattleya intermedia, and Cattleya loddigesii, and their culture in a major feature article. Stig Dalström takes us on an armchair adventure to find Cattleya sincorana in the wilds of Brazil and David Rosenfeld, MD reports on the orchids of Iceland (yes, Iceland).

The January issue also features a Collectors Item installment by our friend in Australia, Phil Spence, on the group of dendrobiums that comprise the diplocaulobiums and grastidiums. Sue Bottom shares sage words of advice for all of us (after all, we're all novices in some way or another) and Daniel Duda shares a nifty alternative to traditional pots.

Also in this issue

  • Genus of the Month - Laelia
  • Orchids Illustrated - Sobralia
  • New Refugium Botanicum - Trichogottis philippinensis
  • Lindleyana - A New Species of Andinia From Ecuador

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