2017/05 May ORCHIDS Magazine
Johan and Clare Hermans take us on an armchair excursion to the Vercors of Southeastern France complete with stunning photographs of many of the region's beautiful terrestrial orchids.
Native orchids not your forte, this issue also features a trip to the MedellÍn International Orchid Show in MedellÍn, Colombia; a trip to a lost habitat for Paphiopedilum fairrieanum in Bhutan and another installment of Arthur E. Chadwick and A.A. Chadwick's First Ladies and Their Cattleyas series - Cattleya Michelle Obama.
Also in this issue
- Genus of the Month - Top Ten Favorites From the Colombia International Orchid Show
- Orchids Illustrated - Aganisia
- New Refugium Botanicum - Grammatophyllum multiflorum
- For the Novice - Purely Organic Fertilizer
- First Ladies and Their Cattleyas - Cattleya Michelle Obama
- Lindleyana - Greenwoodiella deserticola
- Native Orchids of France