2019/10 October ORCHIDS Magazine
Our October issue anchors our annual supplement with a comparison of true miltonias and miltoniopsis. Fred Clarke continues his multipart series on the Catasetinae with an article on "Breeding with Goblins (Mormodes)" and Jean Allen-Ikeson shares with us tips on flowering sarcochilus. Rounding out the October issue is an article by Paul Bayman on the vanilla industry in Puerto Rico.
Also in this issue
- AOS on Social Media
- For the Novice - Fall Preparations
- Genus of the Month - Miltonia
- Judges' Corner - Many Faces of Floriferousness
- Miltoniopsis - Historical Perspective and Culture
- New Refugium Botanicum - Bulbophyllum medusae
- Orchids Illustrated - Catasetum
- Sarcochilus Update - Tips to Flower Them
- Spotlight - Oncostele Romance
- The Catasetinae: Part 3 - Breeding with Goblins
- Tom's Monthly Checklist - October: The Month of Harvest
- Vanilla in Puerto Rico