2019/11 November ORCHIDS Magazine
LED lights are certainly the way of the future but finding accurate information on these lights and growing orchids can be difficult. A'na Sa'tara walks us through foot-candles, lux and the light spectrum useful to plants and that relationship to LED lights. David Rosenfeld continues his series on historical "orchid personalities" with his informative article on Harry Veitch, John Dominy and the Veitch family of Chelsea. Also in this issue, Clare and Johan Hermans update us on an exciting Taiwan Orchid Growers Association–led project for the World Orchid Conference in Taichung, Taiwan highlighting ex situ conservation through the gathering of data on orchid genera in botanic gardens and other curated collections around the world and Soraya Cates Parr continues her series on the terrestrial orchids of Middle Tennessee.
Also in this issue
- Cattleya Warscewiczii 'Pauline Brault' CCE/AOS
- Collector's Item - Peristeria elata 'David's Dove' AM/AOS
- For the Novice - My Orchid is Growing -- Why Is It Not Blooming?
- Growing with LED Lights - More than Footcandles and Lux: New Ways to Think About Indoor Orchid Growing
- Judges' Corner - Form in Quality Award Descriptions
- Lindleyana - New Ecuadorian Orchids
- New Rufugium Botanicum - Cochleanthes aromatica
- Orchids Illustrated - Thunia
- Spotlight - Orchids in Watercolor: Cattleychea Siam Jade
- Tipularia Discolor - The Undercover Orchid
- Tom's Monthly Checklist - November: The Month of Brothers (and Sisters)
- Update on Project Rooting: World Orchid Collections 2020 WOC Taiwan
- Who Were These Guys? Part 10 - Sir Henry Veitch, John Dominy and the Veitchs of Chelsea