2020/02 February ORCHIDS Magazine
Fred Clarke continues his series on the Catasetinae with a beautifully illustrated article on catamodes hybrids. These floriferous hybrids of Catasetum and Mormodes produce spectacular flowers and you will not want to miss this feature. For those interested in growing orchids under LED lights, A'na Sa'tara provides us a how-to article on replacing fluorescent grow lights with T5 HO LED "bulbs" and Soraya Cates Parr tells us about another native orchid of middle Tennessee - Liparis liliifolia.
Also in this issue
- Collector's Item - How I Grow Bulbophyllum beccarii
- For the Novice - Artificial Light Intensity and Supplemental Light
- GREATIdeas - Greenhouse Foundations
- Growing with LED Lights - T5 HO LED Replacements for Fluorescent Grow Lights
- Lindleyana - x Cattlianthe dabeibaensis
- Liparis Liliifolia - A 'Lily' of and Orchid
- New Rufugium Botanicum - Coryanthes kaiseriana
- Orchids Illustrated - Cattleya labiata
- Orchids of the World - Into Africa, Part 2
- Spotlight - Orchids in Watercolor
- There be Dragons - Fantastic new Catamodes Hybrids
- Tom's Monthly Checklist - February: The Month of Inflation