2020/05 May ORCHIDS Magazine
Our May issue features the conclusion of Fred Clarke's series on Catasetinae with What's in a Name - the genus Fredclarkeara. Andrew Coghill-Behrends continues his series on small-flowered phalaenopsis and Sergey Skoropad delights us with an article on orchid fine-art jewelry.
Also in this issue
- Collector's Item - John Alexander Maylin Vipan and Vanda vipanii
- Conservation Committee - The Rest of the Story
- For the Novice - Making Plants Bloom
- Growing Challenges - Flexible, Affordable Growing Spaces
- Lindleyana - Maxillaria sanguinea f. exsanguis f. nov.
- New Rufugium Botanicum - Lycaste xytriophora
- Orchids Illustrated - Cuban Orchids Illustrated
- Small-Flowered Phalaenopsis - Part 2: Novelty Hybrids
- The Timeless Art of Orchid Jewelry, Part 1
- Tom's Monthly Checklist - May: The Month of Distance
- What's in a Name? - The Hybrid Genus Fredclarkeara