2021/04 April ORCHIDS Magazine
The April issue is our annual awards issue featuring an article by Nile Dusdieker detailing the stunning winners of the 2019 year-end special awards and a recap by Carol Klonowki of the 37 First Class Certificate winners from 2020. These along with 16 pages of new AOS awards and an article by Sergey Skoropad on the virtual judging educational exercise, make the April issue especially stunning.
Also in this issue
- 2019 AOS Special Awards - Super, Superior, Superlative, Sublime
- For the Novice - Spring Migration
- In Memoriam - Carmen Soto, Thomas Mirenda
- Judges' Corner - The CBR Dilemma
- Lindleyana - Angraecum idae, A New Orchid from Madagascar
- New Rufugium Botanicum - Epidendrum pseudepidendrum
- Orchid People - Cattleya Wine
- Orchids Illustrated - Compendium of Orchid Genera: 2020 Updates
- The Year that Gave Us Pause - The 2020 First Class Certificates
- Tom's Monthly Checklist - April: The Month of the Tiger
- Virtual Judging - An Educational Exercise