2022/07 July ORCHIDS Magazine
Our July issue features the second installment of Carol Helen Beule's series on her journey from a costume designer to designer of one-of-a-kind pots for Vanda falcata and other specialized applications. It was 100 years ago this year that Dr. Lewis Knudson discovered the breakthrough in germinating orchid seed asymbiotically, dramatically increasing their accessibility. Dr. Joseph Arditti takes us back to those breakthroughs. Clare Hermans, Johan Hermans and Catherine Boudier paint for us a beautifully illustrated portrait of Jean Bosser's life in orchids and rounding out our features, Eileen Hector, winning of the 2021 Dillon-Peterson essay contest, travels back in time through the pages of the Bulletin archives with a look at the evolution of advertising in our flagship publication.
Also in this issue
- An Expedition, Digging Through the AOS Digital Archives - A Lifetime of Orchid Advertising
- Asymbiotic Germination of Orchid Seeds - A Centenary of the Discovery by Professor Lewis Knudson
- Collector's Item - Aerangis biloba
- For the Novice - Summer Rots: The Water Molds
- From Costume to Clay: Part 2 - The Journey Continues
- Jean Bosser (1922-2013) - A Life Among Flowers
- Judge's Corner - Using Fillable Award Forms
- Lindleayna - Quantitative Morphological Variation in the Orange and White Fringed Orchids (Platanthera) in the Eastern US
- Orchids Illustrated - Sudamerlycaste
- Orchid Places - Orchid Gardens
- Tom's Monthly Checklist - July: Month of the Empath