2023/02 February ORCHIDS Magazine

André Schuiteman has provided us a very well-written article on the recent name changes in Coelogyne and its relatives from the perspective of why names change. Olaf Gruss and C.X. Canh share Paphiopedilum herrmannii with us and Arthur Chadwick continues his series on US First Ladies and their cattleyas with Cattleya Lady Bird Johnson. Rounding out our features this month is a spotlight featuring Angraecum sesquipedale provided by our Chief Education and Science Officer, Ron McHatton.




Also in this issue

  • Collector's Item - Myrmecophila thomsoniana
  • Conservation Update - 2022 AOS Philip E. Keenan Award
  • First Ladies and their Cattleyas
  • For the Novice - Insect Growth Regulators
  • Judge's Corner - I Cannot Find The World Checklist!
  • Orchid Places - Diuris Down Under
  • Orchids Illustrated - Chinese Illustrators: Zheng Binqiao
  • Paphiopedilum Herrmannii
  • Spotlight - Angraecum sesquipedale
  • Tom's Monthly Checklist - February: The Month of Inner Masculinity
  • Why Genus Names Change
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2023/02 February ORCHIDS Magazine

Regular Price: $9.99 /Member Price: $4.99

André Schuiteman has provided us a very well-written article on the recent name changes in Coelogyne and its relatives from the perspective of why names change. Olaf Gruss and C.X. Canh share Paphiopedilum herrmannii with us and Arthur Chadwick continues his series on US First Ladies and their cattleyas with Cattleya Lady Bird Johnson. Rounding out our features this month is a spotlight featuring Angraecum sesquipedale provided by our Chief Education and Science Officer, Ron McHatton.




Also in this issue

  • Collector's Item - Myrmecophila thomsoniana
  • Conservation Update - 2022 AOS Philip E. Keenan Award
  • First Ladies and their Cattleyas
  • For the Novice - Insect Growth Regulators
  • Judge's Corner - I Cannot Find The World Checklist!
  • Orchid Places - Diuris Down Under
  • Orchids Illustrated - Chinese Illustrators: Zheng Binqiao
  • Paphiopedilum Herrmannii
  • Spotlight - Angraecum sesquipedale
  • Tom's Monthly Checklist - February: The Month of Inner Masculinity
  • Why Genus Names Change

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