2025/01 January ORCHIDS Magazine
Species in this section cover an exceptionally wide range of plants size from Dendrobium violaceoflavens with stems more than 10 feet in length to Dendrobium canaliculatum which would almost make it into the miniature class with plants barely 8 inches (20 cm) tall. Several of the species in this section have found their way into many modern hybrids because of their bright colors and long-lasting flowers. Also featured this month are articles on growing your own epiphyte potting medium, considerations necessary in growing orchids in a terrarium and an in-depth article by Henry Oakeley on growing anguloas.
Also in this issue
- A winter cultural calendar provided by the education committee
- For the Novice - Let the Repotting Begin - Catasetinae by Sue Bottom
- Orchid Q&A by Ron McHatton
- Collector's Item -Eulophia guineensis by Charles Wilson
- Orchids Illustrated - Anguloa by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
- Lindleyana - A New Calanthe (Orchidaceae; Collabiae) from Eastern Bhutan By Sonam Tobgay, Tshering Nidup, Karma Wangchuck and Stig Dalström
- Book Review - Saving Orchids by Philip Seaton and Lawrence W. Zettler - Review by Thomas Mirenda