Orchids Magazine

The American Orchid Society Magazine Issues

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2010/02 February ORCHIDS Magazine
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1. The Semialba Large-Flowered Cattleyas 2. New World Slipper Orchids 3. Cynoches Manilodd 'George Carr' 4. Experiences with Wardian Cases in Western Canada 5. Jumelleas 6. Solar Greenhouse - A New Twist

2010/04 April ORCHIDS Magazine
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Special Issue: AOS Judging & Awards 1. How to Prepare Orchids for Exhibition 2. Recipients of the 2008 AOS Specialty Judging Awards 3. Lycaste Always 'Melissa Inboriboon' 4. First Class Certificates of 2009 5. AOS Judging: A Brief History 6. Yellow Lycastes

2010/05 May ORCHIDS Magazine
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1. Mr. Kuo-Liang Hung: A New Talent Emerges in Taiwan's Phalaenopsis Hybridizing 2. Today's Moss Culture 3. H.P. Norton: Hybridizing is in His Blood 4. 2009 Dillon /Peterson Essay Prize: A Passion for Orchids Rooted in Childhood 5. Orchids in Art: Cyrtochilum gracile (Lindl.) Kraenzl. 6. Stenorrhynchos, Coccineorchis, Sarcoglottis & Pelexia 7. Thunias

2010/07 July ORCHIDS Magazine
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1. Meet Mario Ferrusi: An Accomplished Grower of Orchids in Southern Ontario 2. Orchids in Art: Benzingia reichenbachiana (Schltr.) Dressler 3. Orchids on Maui: Five Nurseries Perfect the Art of Growing Orchids 4. Reichenbachia: The Story of a Masterpiece and the People 5. V. Mesadenella, Cyclopogon, Pteroglossa, Cranichis & Prescottia 6. Myrmecophilas 7. Three-Birds Orchid

2010/08 August ORCHIDS Magazine
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1. Phalaenopsis gibbosa, Phalaenopsis lobbii & Phalaenopsis parishii 2. Dendrobium anosmum 'Riverlane' 3. Epipactis helleborine 4. Pescatoria coelestis 5. Isabelia 6. A Trio of Platantheras

2010/09 September ORCHIDS Magazine
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1. Creating Displays of Species Orchids with Educational Value 2. Orchids in Art: Dendrobium cuthbertsonii F. Muell. 3. Vacherot & Lecoufle: A Legacy of Orchids 4. Orchids in Soroa 5. Those Other Painted-Leaf Orchids Cattleya labiata 6. Bog Adder's Mouth 7. Plant Temperature