Orchids Magazine

The American Orchid Society Magazine Issues

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2020/08 August ORCHIDS Magazine
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The August 2020 issue contains articles from “Rhyncholaelia digbyana” to “who were these guys: part 11” and more.

2020/09 September ORCHIDS Magazine
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The September 2020 issue contains articles from “Platystele” to “In the footsteps of Dr.Fox” and more.

2020/10 October ORCHIDS Magazine
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The October 2020 issue contains articles from “Seeing Spots” to “Orchids of Papua new guinea” and more.

2020/10 Spots and Stripes Supplement
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The October supplement 2020 issue contains articles from “Spots — an introduction” to “Pronunciation guide” and more.

2020/11 November ORCHIDS Magazine
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The November 2020 issue contains articles from “ La reserva orquÍde” to “ orchids of bhutan” and more.

2021/01 January ORCHIDS Magazine
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The January 2021 issue contains articles from “paphiopedilum tranlienianum” to “Rhyncholaeliocattleya rubescence ” and more.